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Services Valuable Services

Hunch Software Pvt. Ltd. is a leading Mobility, Digital and ERP/CRM(SAP, Infor, Custom) consulting firm based in Delhi, India with global presence in Canada, Singapore, and Europe& Middle East. We enable companies to achieve world-class business performance by providing solutions on platforms which best suites the needs by virtue of catering entire gamut from traditional ERPs to online/offline mobile applications. We are ISO 9001:2008 Certified company with deep focus on quality and customer satisfaction.

Web Application Development

We are into web development since last 14 years having delivered numerous high quality websites which work equally well on browsers and mobiles phones. We have been quick to adopt technology which is providing enhanced capabilities and better visitor experience. We provide quality and affordable services of Web development, Content Management System, E-Commerce Solutions, Enterprise Portal solutions and all type of Custom Web services to various clients across the globe.

Web Application Development
Mobile Application Development

Mobile Application Development

We specialize in development of Mobile Applications Native or Hybrid Technologies as suitable to given business needs and use cases. We created application which can work online or offline as per need by storing the data locally with synchronization when network is available. Development of Mobiles Applications which integrate in back end with ERPs, CRMs or any other custom solution is our expertise. We have created applications which are helping corporate in tracking vehicles, transport operators, school administration, field sales forces, police forces etc. We help clients in dealing changing business and technology in smooth manner. We believe adopting disruptive technologies with minimal disturbance to the businesses. We have been developing mobile application in the most of the platforms like android , phonegap , native, iphone, blackberry .

Custom ERP Solution Developments

Often, the software that suits your specific needs simply isnt available on the market. When packaged solutions and software aren't sufficient or flexible enough for your enterprise, we can custom-build to your specifications efficiently and deliver on its promise of certainty. The customer is facing ever-evolving business and technology requirements. We provide scalable and extensible architectures that supports 24/7 business availability for global customers as it reduces development cycles and risks to a minimum. We provide Time and cost-effective customized applications that help organizations address functional gaps and achieve business goals effectively.

Custom ERP Solution Developments
Enterprise Solution Implementations

Enterprise Solution Implementations

We have proven records of successful execution of end-to-end SAP/Infor implementations across diverse industries and enterprise functions. Our implementation experience, in-depth knowledge of business processes and SAP/Infor product functionality, ready to deploy solution accelerators and tools to shorten implementation cycle makes us the right sized partner to add value to your enterprise application implementation efforts. Our established processes combined with proven SAP ASAP implementation methodology is the hallmark of our SAP implementation services, in the process providing a consistent and quality delivery model, minimal risk, as well as enhanced productivity to every client engagement. Our implementation and deployment services provide strategic business and technical counsel to our customers by way of:

  • Business process design and harmonization
  • Data standardization and consolidations
  • Global template solution development and rollouts
  • Legacy data conversion and migration
  • Independent Testing manual and automated testing
  • Product Training Content development and delivery

Application Maintenance and Support

IT Infrastructure is backbone of an organization. To derive optimal performance it is not enough to design IT Infrastructure and application to desired business outcomes. We must also ensure high availability, high performance and high service levels by putting in place robust IT Services. Our services ensure that your business is managed and operated on 24x7 basis to provide secure and high performance platform for businesses. Our application management(AMS) model has following elements:

  • Enabling clients to be Hands-Off on routine operational issues
  • Focusing on user satisfaction rather and transactions by proactively surveying users at set intervals to understand their issues and take proactive actions.
  • Process streamlining and stabilization based on ITIL Practices
  • Service Level Agreement(SLA) Driven matrices with Penalty and Bonus options
  • A structured approach to transitions, managing applications and sun setting old applications.
  • Formal process of Governance, Change Management and Communications
  • Addressing scalability, resource efficiency and cost controls by consolidating and rationalizing services, resource utilization and shift load balancing etc.
Application Maintenance and Support

IT Advisory Services

An effective, well-managed IT system is one of the most valuable business advantages an organization can secure. The right technology, implemented properly, appropriately managed and monitored, can lead to significant gains in growth and efficiency. It is essential to get sound business advice to ensure right technology is deployed, projects are well conceived, deliveries are , time & cost budgets and technology risks are managed. IT is challenging to get right always and expensive to get wrong not only in terms of money spent on direct and direct costs, but also in lost efficiency and potential regulatory infringements. We guide customer in following areas:

  • Development of appropriate IT Strategy
  • Support IT Sourcing and Cost Optimizations
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Issues/Challenges
  • Regulatory and Compliances
  • Support in Program Management

Business Process Transformations

Information technology is proving continuously changing possibilities for business improve their productivity, effectiveness, controls and be more goal oriented in running the business operations. As business keep on adding new products & services on ongoing basis, people keep changing, knowledge of developed solutions gets lost, processes loose relevance over times once needs to keep evolving the practices to make business more efficient. With these needs and have goal specific programs to support businesses.

  • Business Process Reengineering(BPR) Consulting
  • System Effectiveness Audits and Improvement Programs System Needs
  • Evaluation and Development of Technology Roadmap

Application Governance and Compliances

An effective project & program management can help organization in achieving 30-40% higher efficiencies in managing project costs and schedules. An effective project management practice can lead to much better control and directed approach to managing the changes and improvements in organization. Setting up right processes for handling and introducing changes, process stake holder involvement, concurrence and effective evaluation is key to developing an efficient organization. We offer guidance, support, hand holding and also ready to take the entire job a service for organization which find difficult to develop such skills in house.

Resource Augmentations

IT Division within organizations need some 30-40 skills to management operations in smooth way. Most of the time these skills are required for short durations and having in house is challenging in terms of retaining and upskilling of the talent. Getting many of these niche skills in timely manner is challenging and costly affair to take care of redundancy needs of the organization.This the need we are addressing by our Resource Augmentation Services wherein we do following for you:

  • Identifying resource, categorizing them in skill types and levels taking of Technical, and Leadership needs.
  • Maintaining a pool of resources who can be deployed on short notice at fraction of cost you would pay to acquire and retain such talents.
  • Ensuring the resource have all legal clearances and verifications done in advance to ensure that they can be deployed in geography/projects.
  • Keeping the skills upgraded by having rotated among project requiring multiple of exposure in terms of functional and technical knowledge.

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