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Mobile Application Development Smart Work

Mobile Platform represents both a unique opportunity and a unique challenge. The opportunity is in development of games, general utility applications, and business applications that reach out to millions of users eager to tap into companies products and services. While the challenge is in providing "great" user experience and appropriate value added services for the various mobile platforms. Mobile application has made data capturing and usage beyond limits of offices, work space and times. Growing mobiles networks and their quality is making people highly dependent on mobile applications for meeting day to office and business needs.Hunch Software Pvt Ltd , Mobile Application Development Company in delhi india, Provide Service for Mobile Apps Development .

Mobile App Development Services

  • Android App Development
  • iPhone App Development
  • iPad App Development
  • Tizen App Development
  • Windows App Development
  • Mobile Design & Development
  • Custom Mobile Apps Development

Why Us as a Mobile App Development Company ?

  • We have a strong focus and expertise in Mobile Application Development having developed over 100 apps for iOS, Android and Windows.
  • We are listed among the top 100 mobile app development companies in India, which has close to 3 lakh developers.
  • We have a strong client base, serving clients from USA,CANADA,FRANCE,GEREMANY,SWITZERLAND, UK, SINGAPORE AND AUSTRALIA.
mobile application development

Mobile Based Field Force Automation

  • Auto login when the app is launched
  • Display stats (number of leads today, yesterday, etc...) and graphs
  • View company's leads (last ones and search a particular leads by its ref
  • View reports (monthly PDF reports are generated and stored online)
  • Generate a custom report (they can generate custom reports of their leads from a timeframe)
  • Your account (view account informations such as name, email, phone, etc... and change their password)
  • Enable/Disable push notifications when a new lead is available for the company
mobile app development company in india

Vehicle Parking Management Solution

We have created solution for managing different parking properties where the users can locate available parking slots based on proximityand availability, view timing, charges etc and book the parking slots using mobile applications. The provider of parking facility can in turn see the demands, inventory, billing, collections, receipts etc. This is complete parking management solution working for few customers and a promising solution for many infrastructure management companies.

Collaborative Platform for Book Stores and Readers

Collaborative Platform for Book Stores and Readers

This solution is create book Entry, Search, Buy, student exchange, store information feature. The application basically allow user to search for a book using Keying Barcode or scanning barcode, and then match the information with database. The user scan the barcode, then the app gets the ISBN number that is taken from the barcode, then search in database using ISBN number.

Taxi Booking Mobile Application

This Mobile Application Consists of three modules for Taxi Rider, Taxi Driver and Taxi Service Provider Companies. Rider Module: Mobile application allows client place an order for the car with Car Service Company. First client enters pick up address (address where he wants car to be send). Next client enters Drop off address (address where he wants to go). When both pick up and drop off addresses entered, client click on "Place order" button. "Place order" button submits order for the car to the local car service company. When car is send to the client application displays confirmation, and details of the order.

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